Deriving Dynkin’s theorem from the monotone class theorem
· 7 minutes read
One of the first major results of any measure theory course is that the Lebesgue measure is the unique measure that assigns to each interval its length. A related result is the extension theorem1
Every probability measure on a field can be extended to a unique probability measure on the generated -field.
Here, a probability measure on a field means it has -additivity: if and , then . We can prove the preceding result as follows: the intervals of generate a field of disjoint unions of intervals. We can define a natural measure on this interval that is finitely additive, which can be shown to be, in fact, countably additive, so it has a unique extension to the generated -field of Borel sets . This unique extension is the Lebesgue measure on .
We can construct this extension by defining the outer measure, designating subsets of as measurable based on Carathéodory’s criterion, and then showing that all sets in the generated -field are measurable.

Cool! What about uniqueness?
and -systems
Let be a set. A -system is a class of subsets of closed under finite intersections. A -system is a class that contains , is closed under complement and under disjoint countable unions. These two definitions constitute the essence of a -field: a class is a -field if and only if it is both a -system and a -system. Of special interest here is Dynkin’s theorem:
If a -system is a subset of a -system , then .
How does this help us? Suppose and are probability measures on that agree on . Let be the maximal subset of on which these two measures agree; can be shown to be a -system. Since the field is certainly a -system and , Dynkin’s theorem gives us , so the two measures agree on the generated -field.
Monotone classes
A class of subsets of is monotone if it is closed under monotone unions and intersections:
- and imply
- and imply .
Similar to -systems and -systems, the requirements of a field and a monotone class capture the essence of a -field: a class is a -field if and only if it is both a field and a monotone class. Note that the -systems are a subset of the monotone classes; here is a helpful Venn diagram:
Perhaps propitiously, we have an analogous version of Dynkin’s theorem called Halmos’s monotone class theorem:
If a field is a subset of a monotone class , then .
Can this be used to prove the uniqueness in the extension theorem? Yes, since all -systems are monotone. The class above is a monotone class containing a field , so it contains too.

But how do we prove either of these theorems? Given their similarity, are they equivalent to each other?
They are indeed equivalent, and it is a fun exercise to prove this. First, we need some groundworks on the representation of a generated field.
Generated field
For a non-empty class of subsets of , the field generated by , or , can be described explicitly: its members have the form , where or for each and , and where the sets are disjoint.
Proof. If a set satisfies or , we call it -compatible (just a made-up name). Let be the class of sets of the given form, i.e., a finite union of finite intersections of -compatible sets. We can see that is a subset of . Suppose is a member of . Its complement is2
where . Note that is the complement of some , so it is -compatible. Hence, contains and is closed under complementation.
Now, consider the intersection of two members of :
Each is a finite intersection of -compatible sets, and if , then is disjoint from (since at least one index must be different, say, , then and are disjoint). Thus, the above set is also a member of , which means is closed under finite intersection and is a field. Since it also contains , we have .
For any field containing , every -compatible set is a member of , and so the finite union of finite intersections of -compatible sets is also a member of . In other words, is a subset of any field containing , so it is a subset of . Thus, .
We now come to the main task: deriving Dynkin’s - theorem from the monotone class theorem. Suppose the -system contains the -system . We want to show that contains the -field generated by , but the monotone class theorem only gives us that if already contains a field. Hence, we shall fill in this gap by proving that contains the field generated by .
If the -system contains the -system , then contains .
Proof. By the previous section, consists of sets of the form , where each is -compatible and the sets are disjoint. Since is closed under countable disjoint union, it suffices to show that , where each is -compatible.
Without loss of generality, assume that and . Let and (not necessarily in : if then ). We have
Note that each is in , even when . In light of this last expression, we shall shift our goal to showing that finite union of -sets is in . For the case of two sets, if and are -sets, we have , a disjoint union of sets in . Suppose the union of any sets from lies in . Given , we have
By the induction hypothesis, , so the above is a disjoint union of sets in . By induction, the result holds for all finite .
To recap, by showing that the finite union of -sets is in , we deduce the finite intersection of -compatible sets is in , it follows that contains the field . But is a monotone class as well, so by the monotone class theorem, contains , which gives us Dynkin’s theorem.
This is theorem 3.1 in “Probability and Measure” by Patrick Billingsley and is a special version of the Carathéodory’s extension theorem: a pre-measure on a given ring of subsets of can be extended to a measure on the -ring generated by , and this extension is unique if the measure is -finite. The result stated in the article follows from this general version, as a probability measure is both a pre-measure and a -finite measure.
Intuitively, the tuples in represent the indices for the terms of . Morphing sums into unions and products into intersections, we get the stated identity (a rigorous proof can be given by induction on ).