A Measure Theory Surprise

On the real line, the collection of Borel sets plays a central role in analysis and measure theory in particular, as it contains almost every set that comes up naturally in those contexts. The set of Borel sets is defined as the σ\sigma-field generated by the collection of finite intervals on the real line, and so by the extension theorem, all Borel sets are Lebesgue-measurable.

The definition can be extended to higher dimensions: the kk-dimensional Borel sets are elements of the σ\sigma-field Rk\mathscr{R}^k generated by the collection of kk-dimensional bounded rectangles

{(x1,,xk) ⁣:aixi<bi,1ik}.\{(x_1,\ldots, x_k)\colon a_i\le x_i < b_i, 1\le i\le k\}.

Similar to the 11-dimensional case, we can define the kk-dimensional Lebesgue measure λk\lambda_k on these Borels sets as the unique extension of the set function assigning volumes to the bounded rectangles. Thus, we see how the Lebesgue measure corresponds to and generalizes the concepts of length, area, and volume.

The volume analogy

Intuitively, if we move a set in Euclidean space, its Lebesgue measure should stay the same. We say the Lebesgue measure has translation invariance:

For any set ARkA\in\msR^k and xRkx\in\R^k, the set A+x={a+x ⁣:aA}A + x = \{a + x\colon a\in A\} is a Borel set, and λk(A+x)=λk(A)\lambda_k(A+x) = \lambda_k(A).

Similarly, if we scale a Borel set by a factor, its Lebesgue measure (volume) should be scaled accordingly, and if we rotate a Borel set, then its Lebesgue measure should be unchanged. This volume analogy can be distilled into the following theorem:

Let T ⁣:RkRkT\colon \R^k\to\R^k be a linear transformation and ARkA\in\msR^k, then TARkTA\in\msR^k and λk(TA)=detTλk(A)\lambda_k(TA) = \abs{\det T} \cdot \lambda_k(A).

All good? Well, no, because this “theorem” is wrong.

It is almost correct though: the statement holds if TT is invertible.

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Ah I see, if TT is not invertible, then it will map AA into a smaller subspace of Rk\R^k, which means the volume of TATA is 00, while detT\abs{\det T} is … also 00. Huh?

So what went wrong? The problem is not that TATA has measure zero, but that it need not be a Borel set at all. It turns out the collection of Borel sets is not closed under linear transformation! In fact, an example can be found with the simplest of transformations: let π ⁣:R2R\pi\colon\R^2\to\R be the projection π(x1,x2)=x1\pi(x_1,x_2)=x_1. The rest of the article will focus on finding a set A[0,1]2A\subset [0,1]^2 such that π[A]\pi[A] is not a Borel set.

A cross-sectional study

We first need some definitions. If XX and YY are sets and ZX×YZ\subset X\times Y, then for yYy\in Y, the section of ZZ at yy is the subset of XX defined as {x ⁣:(x,y)Z}\{x\colon (x,y)\in Z\}. This is like the cross-section of an object using a plane in 3D space.

Figure 1. A section (red) of a set ZZ (green) in the unit square, where X=Y=[0,1]X=Y=[0,1].

Before we proceed, let us go on a slight tangent. Working with R\R directly is a bit cumbersome, so we will switch perspective a bit. For each xRx\in\R, associate xx with its continued fraction representation [x0;x1,x2,][x_0; x_1, x_2, \ldots], a sequence of positive integers, except x0x_0 which can be any integers.

This sequence is finite for rational xx and infinite for irrational xx. To compare two continued fractions [a0;a1,a2,][a_0;a_1,a_2,\ldots] and [b0;b1,b2,][b_0;b_1,b_2,\ldots], compare the first differing coefficients aka_k and bkb_k (treat missing coefficients as \infty), and flip the order if kk is odd. Most importantly, every (finite or infinite) sequence of positive integers represents a continued fraction in [0,1][0,1].

Universal sets

Let C\msC be a family of subsets of XX. A universal set for C\msC is a set ZX×YZ\subset X\times Y such that C\msC is precisely the collection of all sections of ZZ at every point yYy\in Y. A universal set for C\msC can be thought as the “graph” of a surjection f ⁣:YCf\colon Y\to \msC, so it exists if and only if the cardinality of C\msC does not exceed that of YY.

Recall that a second-countable topological space XX is one having a countable base, i.e., a countable family U\mcU of open subsets in XX such that every open set in XX is a union of some subfamily of U\mcU. Our good friend Rk\R^k is an example: the rectangles with rational endpoints form the required base. We have our first result.

Theorem. For any second-countable topological space XX, there is an open set GG in X×[0,1]X\times [0,1] which is universal for the collection of all open sets in XX, and a closed set FF in X×[0,1]X\times [0,1] which is universal for the collection of all closed sets in XX.

It is not difficult to show that the topology of a second-countable space has cardinality not exceeding continuum, so a universal set for the topology of XX must exist. The novel part of this theorem is that we can force that universal set to be open.

Proof. Let {Un}n1\{U_n\}_{n\ge 1} be a base of XX.

For positive integers kk and nn, let Ak(n)A_k(n) be the set of xx with xk=nx_k=n and xk+1x_{k+1} exists. Given a prefix [0;a1,,ak1][0;a_1,\ldots,a_{k-1}], Ak(n)A_k(n) contains the interval (p,q)(p,q), where if kk is odd, then p=[0;a1,,ak1,n+1]p=[0;a_1,\ldots,a_{k-1},n+1], q=[0;a1,,ak1,n]q=[0;a_1,\ldots,a_{k-1},n], and if kk is even, then p=[0;a1,,ak1,n]p=[0;a_1,\ldots,a_{k-1},n], q=[0;a1,,ak1,n+1]q=[0;a_1,\ldots,a_{k-1},n+1]. Moreover, every xAk(n)x\in A_k(n) lies in such an interval (in fact, countably many such intervals), so Ak(n)A_k(n) is open, being a union of open intervals in R\R.

Let GG be the union of the open sets Un×Ak(n)U_n\times A_k(n), ranging over all kk and nn. For xx in [0,1][0,1], if x=[0;x1,x2,,xk]x=[0;x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_k], then xx lies in each of A1(x1),,Ak1(xk1)A_1(x_1),\ldots,A_{k-1}(x_{k-1}), so the section of GG at xx is i=1k1Uxi\bigcup_{i=1}^{k-1} U_{x_i}; similarly, if x=[0;x1,x2,]x=[0;x_1,x_2,\ldots], then the section of GG at xx is i=1Uxi\bigcup_{i=1}^\infty U_{x_i}.

Hence, each section of GG is a union of some subfamily of {Un}\{U_n\}, and since the continued fractions include every finite and infinite sequence of positive integers, the converse also holds. In other words, the sections of GG are precisely the countable unions of sets in {Un}\{U_n\}, i.e., all the open sets of XX. The complement FF of GG is then a closed set in X×RX\times\R universal for the closed sets of XX. \blacksquare

The theorem still holds (and is easier to prove) if we replace R\R by the Baire space, the set of all infinite sequences of positive integers with the induced product topology. In fact, our preceding tangent and half of our proof is mostly for mapping the reals to a quasi-Baire space using continued fractions.

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Couldn’t you have shown the proof for the Baire space, then map it to R\R for better clarity?

To be honest, I’m not sure how to derive the statement for R\R directly from the statement for the Baire space. Though, hopefully you will remember this theorem better, knowing that I have led you through a more annoying and laborious direction.